Helen Schneider is the Commander of Human Exploitation for the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and lead for the AFP-led Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE). In this role, Helen is responsible for leading the coordination and connection of partners to identify, prevent, disrupt and investigate human exploitation, including the online exploitation of children and modern slavery, with a focus on protecting and supporting victims, and removing them from harm. Helen’s policing career began in 1997 with Queensland Police Service working in Community Policing, Investigations, Tactical Crime Squad, Counter Terrorism and Homicide. Helen transitioned to the AFP in 2012 to work in Counter Terrorism (domestic and international), Organised Crime, Learning and Development, and Fraud. Helen has worked in international roles in Indonesia and the Netherlands. Helen holds a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities, Master of Arts in Terrorism Safety and Security and an Associate Diploma of Public Safety (Police Investigation).